Sunday, August 17, 2014

International Animal Rescue Foundation World Action South Africa

This mother and her calf where the joys of many a tourist that left Africa feeling overjoyed.

Sadly both mother and calf have now been poached. The tourists that have such fond memories of these magnificent beasts now have to cope with pictures such as these. Hardly a good image for Africa!

We say no more other than - What a Bloody Post Card this is. Edna Molewa the world is aware of what is happening and this is not going down well with many.

Whilst we would like to vent certain other points here we will leave that for another day.

We are watching - Very, Very Closely - Animal Abusers directly or indirectly involved in abuse or allowing abuse to continue via any means.

This filth and that is exactly what it is will stop.

Our patience is wearing thin.

We would like to add more to this post however we will as explained leave it at that. 

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